High Holidays
Support Liberal Judaism
Every pound makes a difference, contributing to the whole and what we are able to do together.
£5,000 could provide non Jewish care homes with the resources and training to cater for their Jewish residents through Shabbat boxes connecting with those elder members of our communities who can no longer be in their own homes but are in desperate need of Jewish connection
£7,000 could allow us to ensure that all of woodland burials are supported with the thinking and prayer resources that add to this meaningful practice at the end of life.
£10,000 would enable us to reinvigorate the bnei-Mitzvah and Kabbalat Torah programming and resources particularly for those communities with smaller numbers and without full time rabbinic support.
£70,000 would enable us to create a new social justice department to deliver centralised resourced projects and support communities in actioning their own commitment to training on diversity and inclusion. A central tenet of this department would be the focus on delivering training in ‘disagreeing well’.
£5000 would provide the seed money for smaller communities to work on projects that can benefit and resource each other.
£1,000 would send one child one Kadimah, but £10,000 would open the doors to a whole new cohort, which in turn lays the seeds of a whole new generation of Liberal Jews.
£100,000 would ensure that we can provide a Progressive chaplain in universities for the next three years. There is a desperate need to support our students who have been impacted by the pandemic and by difficult situations on campuses.
£200,000 would see the transformation of Liberal Judaism and would allow us to take the leap into the next phase of our existence as an essential part of the Jewish world. We need to create a new online hub for Liberal Judaism that supports communities and individuals with resources, music and learning. With new curricula for chederim and proselytes and those wishing to develop their own learning journey. The new space would be responsive, innovate and dynamic. Bringing together our communities but also reaching out to all those looking to come home to Liberal Judaism.
Give by phone
Call +44 (0) 20 7580 1663
Give by cheque
Send a cheque made out to “Liberal Judaism” to The Montagu Centre, 21 Maple Street, London, W1T 4BE.
Please ensure “donation” is written on the back.
Please also download the Gift Aid Form and enclose it with your cheque.